Studien & Ergebnisse

Studien zu Barrieren bezüglich Zugang zu sicheren, legalen Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen


Obligatorische Wartezeit

Verweigerung aus Gewissensgründen

  • Berer M. Termination of pregnancy as emergency obstetric care: the interpretation of Catholic health policy and the consequences for pregnant women: an analysis of the death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland and similar cases. Reprod Health Matters 2013; 21: 9–17.
  • Campbell M. Conscientious objection and the Council of Europe: The right to conscientious objection in lawful medical care Resolution 1763 (2010) Resolution adopted by the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly. Med Law Rev 2011; 19: 467–75.
  • Chavkin W, Leitman L, Polin K, for Global Doctors for Choice. Conscientious objection and refusal to provide reproductive healthcare: A White Paper examining prevalence, health consequences, and policy responses. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2013; 123: S41–56.
  • De Zordo S. Interruption volontaire de grossesse et clause de conscience en Italie et en Espagne, entre droits des femmes et « droits » du fœtus/patient. Sociol Santé; 38: 107–29.
  • De Zordo S, Mishtal J, Anton L. A Fragmented Landscape Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe. Berghahn Books, 2016.
  • Fiala C, Gemzell Danielsson K, Heikinheimo O, Guðmundsson JA, Arthur J. Yes we can! Successful examples of disallowing ‘conscientious objection’ in reproductive health care. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2016; 21: 201–6.
  • Kibsgaard Nordberg EM, Skirbekk H, Magelssen M. Conscientious objection to referrals for abortion: pragmatic solution or threat to women’s rights? BMC Med Ethics 2014; 15.
  • Lertxundi R, Ibarrondo O, Merki-Feld GS, Rey-Novoa M, Rowlands S, Mar J. Proposal to inform European institutions regarding the regulation of conscientious objection to abortion. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2016; 213: 198–200.
  • Morrell KM, Chavkin W. Conscientious objection to abortion and reproductive healthcare: a review of recent literature and implications for adolescents. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2015; 27: 333–8.


  • De Zordo S. From women’s ‘irresponsibility’ to foetal ‘patienthood’: Obstetricians-gynaecologists’ perspectives on abortion and its stigmatisation in Italy and Cataluña. Glob Public Heal An Int J Res Policy Pract 2017; 1–13.
  • De Zordo S, Mishtal J. Physicians and Abortion: Provision, Political Participation and Conflicts on the Ground-The Cases of Brazil and Poland. Women’s Heal Issues 2011; 21: S32–6.

Andere Barrieren

  • Cochrane RA, Cameron ST. Attitudes of Scottish abortion care providers towards provision of abortion after 16 weeks’ gestation within Scotland. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2013; 18: 215–20.
  • De Zordo S, Mishtal J. Physicians and Abortion: Provision, Political Participation and Conflicts on the Ground-The Cases of Brazil and Poland. Women’s Heal Issues 2011; 21: S32–6.
  • Doran F, Nancarrow S. Barriers and facilitators of access to first-trimester abortion services for women in the developed world: a systematic review. J Fam Plan Reprod Heal Care 2015; 41: 170–80.

Barrieren ansprechen

  • Caird L, Cameron ST, Hough T, Mackay L, Glasier A. Initiatives to close the gap in inequalities in abortion provision in a remote and rural UK setting. J Fam Plan Reprod Heal Care 2015; 42: 68 LP-70.

Studien zu Abtreibungsreisen in Europa

  • Aiken ARA, Gomperts R, Trussell J. Experiences and characteristics of women seeking and completing at-home medical termination of pregnancy through online telemedicine in Ireland and Northern Ireland: a population-based analysis. BJOG An Int J Obstet Gynaecol 2017; 124: 1208–15.
  • Bloomer F, O’Dowd K. Restricted access to abortion in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland: exploring abortion tourism and barriers to legal reform. Health Sex. 2014; 16: 366–80.
  • Caird L, Cameron ST, Hough T, Mackay L, Glasier A. Initiatives to close the gap in inequalities in abortion provision in a remote and rural UK setting. J Fam Plan Reprod Heal Care 2015; 42: 68 LP-70.
  • Gerdts C, De Zordo S, Mishtal J, Barr-Walker J, Lohr, Lohr PA. Experiences of women who travel to England for abortions: an exploratory pilot study. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2016; 21: 401–7.
  • Loeber O, Wijsen C. Factors Influencing the Percentage of Second Trimester Abortions in the Netherlands Factors Influencing the Percentage of Second Trimester Abortions in the Netherlands. Reprod Heal Matters 2008; 16: 31–30.
  • Rossiter A. Ireland’s hidden diaspora: the ‘abortion trail’ and the making of a London-Irish underground 1980–2000. IASC Publishing. 2009.
  • Rossiter A, Sexton M. The other Irish journey: A survey update of Northern Irish women attending British abortion clinics, 2000/2001. 2000.

Studien zu Barrieren bezüglich Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen und -reisen nach Land



  • Aiken ARA, Gomperts R, Trussell J. Experiences and characteristics of women seeking and completing at-home medical termination of pregnancy through online telemedicine in Ireland and Northern Ireland: a population-based analysis. BJOG An Int J Obstet Gynaecol 2017; 124: 1208–15.
  • Berer M. Termination of pregnancy as emergency obstetric care: the interpretation of Catholic health policy and the consequences for pregnant women:an analysis of the death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland and similar cases. Reprod Health Matters 2013; 21: 9–17.
  • Bloomer F, O’Dowd K. Restricted access to abortion in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland: exploring abortion tourism and barriers to legal reform. Health Sex. 2014; 16: 366–80.
  • Gilmartin M, White A. Interrogating Medical Tourism: Ireland, Abortion, and Mobility Rights. Signs J Women Cult Soc 2010; 36: 275–80.

  • Mishtal J. Quiet Contestations of Irish Abortion Law: Abortion Politics in Flux? In: Transcending Borders: Abortion in the Past and Present, Pelgrave Macmillan 2017.

  • Rossiter A. Ireland’s hidden diaspora: the ‘abortion trail’ and the making of a London-Irish underground 1980–2000. IASC Publishing. 2009.
  • Rossiter A, Sexton M. The other Irish journey: A survey update of Northern Irish women attending British abortion clinics, 2000/2001. 2000.
  • Smyth, L. ‘And Nobody Was Any the Wiser’: Irish Abortion Rights and the European Union. In: Sexual Politics and the European Union, Berghahn Books 1996: 109-130.



  • Chavkin W, Swerdlow L, Fifield J. Regulation of conscientious objection to abortion: An international comparative multiple-case study. Health Hum Rights 2017; 19: 55–68.
  • De Zordo S. From women’s ‘irresponsibility’ to foetal ‘patienthood’: Obstetricians-gynaecologists’ perspectives on abortion and its stigmatisation in Italy and Cataluña. Glob Public Heal An Int J Res Policy Pract 2017; March:1–13.
  • De Zordo S. Interruption volontaire de grossesse et clause de conscience en Italie et en Espagne, entre droits des femmes et « droits » du fœtus/patient. Sociol Santé; 38: 107–29.
  • De Zordo S. ‘Good doctors do not object’: Obstetricians-Gynaecolosists’ Perspectives on Conscientious Objection to Abortion Care and their Engagement with Pro-abortion Rights Protests in Italy. In: A Fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, 2016
  • Morrell KM, Chavkin W. Conscientious objection to abortion and reproductive healthcare: a review of recent literature and implications for adolescents. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2015; 27: 333–8.


  • Loeber O, Wijsen C. Factors Influencing the Percentage of Second Trimester Abortions in the Netherlands Factors Influencing the Percentage of Second Trimester Abortions in the Netherlands. Reprod Heal Matters 2008; 16: 31–30.


  • De Zordo S. From women’s ‘irresponsibility’ to foetal ‘patienthood’: Obstetricians-gynaecologists’ perspectives on abortion and its stigmatisation in Italy and Cataluña. Glob Public Heal An Int J Res Policy Pract 2017: 1–13.

Vereinigtes Königreich

  • Caird L, Cameron ST, Hough T, Mackay L, Glasier A. Initiatives to close the gap in inequalities in abortion provision in a remote and rural UK setting. J Fam Plan Reprod Heal Care 2015; 42: 68 LP-70.
  • Francome C. Irish Women Who Seek Abortions in England. Fam Plann Perspect 1992; 24: 265–8.

  • Gerdts C, DeZordo S, Mishtal J, Barr-Walker J, Lohr, Lohr PA. Experiences of women who travel to England for abortions: an exploratory pilot study. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2016; 21: 401–7.

  • Heller R, Purcell C, Mackay L, Caird L, Cameron ST. Barriers to accessing termination of pregnancy in a remote and rural setting: a qualitative study. BJOG An Int J Obstet Gynaecol 2016; 123: 1684–91.

Daten und Statistiken zu Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen in verschiedenen Ländern





Vereinigtes Königreich

Abtreibungsgesetze und rechtliche Unterlagen

Studien zu Abtreibungsgesetzen

Europäische Gesetze und rechtliche Unterlagen

Länderspezifische Gesetze und rechtliche Unterlagen

Unsere Ergebnisse

Studien zum selbstgesteuerten medikamentösen Schwangerschaftsabbruch

  • Aiken A, Starling J, Gomperts R. 2021. Factors Associated With Use of an Online Telemedicine Service to Access Self-managed Medical Abortion in the US. JAMA Netw Open, 4(5): e2111852.
  • Bercu C, Moseson H, McReynolds-Pérez J, Wilkinson Salamea E, Grosso B, Trpin M, Zurbriggen R, Cisternas C, Meza M, Díaz V, Kimport K. 2022. In-person later abortion accompaniment: a feminist collective-facilitated self-care practice in Latin America. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 29(3): 2009103.
  • Jayaweera R, Powell B, Gerdts C, Kakesa J, Ouedraogo R, Ramazani U, Wado YD, Wheeler E, Fetters T. 2021. The Potential of Self-Managed Abortion to Expand Abortion Access in Humanitarian Contexts. Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, 2: 681039.
  • Larrea S, Hidalgo C, Jacques-Aviñó C, Borrell C, Palència L. 2022. “No one should be alone in living this process”: trajectories, experiences and user’s perceptions about quality of abortion care in a telehealth service in Chile. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 29(3): 1948953.
  • Moseson H, Bullard KA, Cisternas C, Grosso B, Vera V, Gerdts C. 2020. Effectiveness of self-managed medication abortion between 13 and 24 weeks gestation: A retrospective review of case records from accompaniment groups in Argentina, Chile, and Ecuador. Contraception, 102(2): 91-98.
  • Moseson H, Jayaweera R, Egwuatu I, Grosso B, Kristianingrum IA, Nmezi S, Zurbriggen R, Motana R, Bercu C, Carbone S, Gerdts C. 2022. Effectiveness of self-managed medication abortion with accompaniment support in Argentina and Nigeria (SAFE): a prospective, observational cohort study and non-inferiority analysis with historical controls. The Lancet Global Health, 10(1): 105-113.
  • Stillman M, Owolabi O, Fatusi AO, Akinyemi AI, Berry AL, Erinfolami TP, Olagunju OS, Väisänen H, Bankole A. 2020. Women’s self-reported experiences using misoprostol obtained from drug sellers: a prospective cohort study in Lagos State, Nigeria. BMJ Open, 10(5): e034670.

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    Europe Abortion Access Project Euroe Research Council Universitad de Barcelona

    This project has received funding from the European Reseach Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme BAR2LEGAB-680004