Estudios y Hallazgos
Studies on barriers to access to safe, legal abortion
Gestational age limit
- De Zordo S, Zanini G, Mishtal J, Garnsey C, Ziegler A. K, Gerdts C. Gestational age limits for abortion and cross-border reproductive care in Europe: a mixed-methods study. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2020.
- De Zordo S, Mishtal J, Zanini G, Gerdts C. Consequences of gestational age limits for people needing abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 2020; 28:
- Pinter B, Aubeny E, Bartfai G, Loeber O, Ozalp S, Webb A. Accessibility and availability of abortion in six European countries. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2005; 10: 51–8.
Mandatory Waiting Period
- Heller R, Purcell C, Mackay L, Caird L, Cameron ST. Barriers to accessing termination of pregnancy in a remote and rural setting: a qualitative study. BJOG An Int J Obstet Gynaecol 2016; 123: 1684–91.
- Jones RK, Henshaw SK. Mifepristone for Early Medical Abortion: Experiences in France, Great Britain and Sweden. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2002; 34: 154–61.
- Pinter B, Aubeny E, Bartfai G, Loeber O, Ozalp S, Webb Accessibility and availability of abortion in six European countries. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2005; 10: 51–8.
Conscientious objection
- Andión-Ibañez X, Zampas C. Conscientious Objection to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services: International Human Rights Standards and European Law and Practice. Eur J Health Law 2012; 19: 231–56.
- Berer M. Termination of pregnancy as emergency obstetric care: the interpretation of Catholic health policy and the consequences for pregnant women: an analysis of the death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland and similar cases. Reprod Health Matters 2013; 21: 9–17.
- Bo M, Zotti CM, Charrier L. Conscientious objection and waiting time for voluntary abortion in Italy. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2015; 20: 272–82.
- Campbell M. Conscientious objection and the Council of Europe: The right to conscientious objection in lawful medical care Resolution 1763 (2010) Resolution adopted by the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly. Med Law Rev 2011; 19: 467–75.
- Chavkin W, Leitman L, Polin K, for Global Doctors for Choice. Conscientious objection and refusal to provide reproductive healthcare: A White Paper examining prevalence, health consequences, and policy responses. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2013; 123: S41–56.
- Chavkin W, Swerdlow L, Fifield J. Regulation of conscientious objection to abortion: An international comparative multiple-case study. Health Hum Rights 2017; 19: 55–68.
- Cook R, Dickens BM. The Growing Abuse of Conscientious Objection. Ethics J Am Med Assoc 2006; 8: 337–40.
- De Zordo S. Interruption volontaire de grossesse et clause de conscience en Italie et en Espagne, entre droits des femmes et « droits » du fœtus/patient. Sociol Santé; 38: 107–29.
- De Zordo S, Mishtal J, Anton L. A Fragmented Landscape Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe. Berghahn Books, 2016.
- Fiala C, Arthur JH. ‘Dishonourable disobedience’ – Why refusal to treat in reproductive healthcare is not conscientious objection. Woman – Psychosom Gynaecol Obstet 2014; 1: 12–23.
- Fiala C, Arthur JH. There is no defence for ‘Conscientious objection’ in reproductive health care. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017; published online July 23.
- Fiala C, Gemzell Danielsson K, Heikinheimo O, Guðmundsson JA, Arthur J. Yes we can! Successful examples of disallowing ‘conscientious objection’ in reproductive health care. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2016; 21: 201–6.
- Heino A, Gissler M, Apter D, Fiala C. Conscientious objection and induced abortion in Europe. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2013; 18: 231–3.
- Kibsgaard Nordberg EM, Skirbekk H, Magelssen M. Conscientious objection to referrals for abortion: pragmatic solution or threat to women’s rights? BMC Med Ethics 2014; 15.
- Lertxundi R, Ibarrondo O, Merki-Feld GS, Rey-Novoa M, Rowlands S, Mar J. Proposal to inform European institutions regarding the regulation of conscientious objection to abortion. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2016; 213: 198–200.
- Mishtal, J.Z. Matters of ‘Conscience’: The Politics of Reproductive Health and Rights in Poland. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 2009; 23(2):161-183.
- Mishtal, J. Reproductive Governance in the New Europe: Competing Visions of Morality, Sovereignty, and Supranational Policy. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 2014, 23(1):59-76.
- Morrell KM, Chavkin W. Conscientious objection to abortion and reproductive healthcare: a review of recent literature and implications for adolescents. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2015; 27: 333–8.
- Opinion N° 4-2005: The right to conscientious objection and the conclusion by EU member states of concordats with the Holy See. 2005
- Roe J, Francome C, Bush M. Recruitment and training of British obstetrician-gynaecologists for abortion provision: conscientious objection versus opting out. Reprod Health Matters 1999; 7: 97–105.
- Strickland SL. Conscientious objection in medical students: a questionnaire survey. J Med Ethics 2011; 38: 22–5.
- Chełstowska A. Stigmatisation and commercialisation of abortion services in Poland: turning sin into gold. Reprod Health Matters 2011; 19: 98–106.
- De Zordo S. From women’s ‘irresponsibility’ to foetal ‘patienthood’: Obstetricians-gynaecologists’ perspectives on abortion and its stigmatisation in Italy and Cataluña. Glob Public Heal An Int J Res Policy Pract 2017; 1–13.
- De Zordo S, Mishtal J. Physicians and Abortion: Provision, Political Participation and Conflicts on the Ground-The Cases of Brazil and Poland. Women’s Heal Issues 2011; 21: S32–6.
- Purcell C, Cameron S, Caird L, et al. Access to and experience of later abortion: accounts from women in Scotland. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2014; 46: 101–8.
- Purcell C, Hilton S, Mcdaid L. The stigmatisation of abortion: a qualitative analysis of print media in Great Britain in 2010. Cult Health Sex 2014; 16.
- Welsh P, McCarthy M, Cromer B. Abortion in Adolescence: A Four-Country Comparison. Women’s Health Issues 2001; 11: 73–9. - Hoggart L, Newton VL, Bury L. Repeat abortion’, a phrase to be avoided? Qualitative insights into labelling and stigma. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2017; 43:26-30.
Other barriers
- Baron C, Cameron S, Johnstone A. Do women seeking termination of pregnancy need pre-abortion counselling? Fam Plann Reprod Heal Care 2015; 45: 181–5.
- Cochrane RA, Cameron ST. Attitudes of Scottish abortion care providers towards provision of abortion after 16 weeks’ gestation within Scotland. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2013; 18: 215–20.
- De Zordo S, Mishtal J. Physicians and Abortion: Provision, Political Participation and Conflicts on the Ground-The Cases of Brazil and Poland. Women’s Heal Issues 2011; 21: S32–6.
- Doran F, Nancarrow S. Barriers and facilitators of access to first-trimester abortion services for women in the developed world: a systematic review. J Fam Plan Reprod Heal Care 2015; 41: 170–80.
- Francome C, Freeman E. British general practitioners’ attitudes toward Abortion. Fam Plann Perspect 2000; 32: 189–91.
- Grimes DA, Benson J, Singh S, et al. Unsafe abortion: the preventable pandemic. Lancet 2006; 368: 1908–19.
- Heller R, Purcell C, Mackay L, Caird L, Cameron ST. Barriers to accessing termination of pregnancy in a remote and rural setting: a qualitative study. BJOG An Int J Obstet Gynaecol 2016; 123: 1684–91.
- Jones RK, Henshaw SK. Mifepristone for Early Medical Abortion: Experiences in France, Great Britain and Sweden. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2002; 34: 154–61.
- Lee E, Ingham R. Why do women present late for induced abortion? Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2010; 24: 479–89.
- Lohr PA. Surgical Abortion in the Second Trimester. Reprod Health Matters 2008; 16: 31–151.
- Marie Stopes International. General practitioners: attitudes to abortion 2007. 2007.,%20GPs%20attitudes%20to%20abortion%202007%20Marie%20Stopes.pdf
- Moreau C, Bajos N, Bouyer J, Group C. Access to health care for induced abortions Analysis by means of a French national survey. Eur J Public Health 2004; 14: 369–74.
- Pinter B, Aubeny E, Bartfai G, Loeber O, Ozalp S, Webb A. Accessibility and availability of abortion in six European countries. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2005; 10: 51–8.
Addressing barriers
- Rowlands S, López-Arregui E. How health services can improve access to abortion. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2015; 5187: 1–3.
- Caird L, Cameron ST, Hough T, Mackay L, Glasier A. Initiatives to close the gap in inequalities in abortion provision in a remote and rural UK setting. J Fam Plan Reprod Heal Care 2015; 42: 68 LP-70.
Estudios sobre viajes para interrumpir el embarazo en Europa
- Aiken ARA, Gomperts R, Trussell J. Experiences and characteristics of women seeking and completing at-home medical termination of pregnancy through online telemedicine in Ireland and Northern Ireland: a population-based analysis. BJOG An Int J Obstet Gynaecol 2017; 124: 1208–15.
- Best A. Abortion Rights along the Irish-English Border and the Liminality of Women’s Experiences. Dialect Anthropol 2005; 29: 423–37.
- Bloomer F, O’Dowd K. Restricted access to abortion in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland: exploring abortion tourism and barriers to legal reform. Health Sex. 2014; 16: 366–80.
- Caird L, Cameron ST, Hough T, Mackay L, Glasier A. Initiatives to close the gap in inequalities in abortion provision in a remote and rural UK setting. J Fam Plan Reprod Heal Care 2015; 42: 68 LP-70.
- Cameron ST, Riddell J, Brown A, et al. Characteristics of women who present for abortion towards the end of the mid-trimester in Scotland: national audit 2013–2014. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2016; 21: 183–8
- Francome C, Freeman E. British general practitioners’ attitudes toward Abortion. Fam Plann Perspect 2000; 32: 189–91.
- Francome C. Irish Women Who Seek Abortions in England. Fam Plann Perspect 1992; 24: 265–8.
- Gerdts C, De Zordo S, Mishtal J, Barr-Walker J, Lohr, Lohr PA. Experiences of women who travel to England for abortions: an exploratory pilot study. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2016; 21: 401–7.
- Gilmartin M, White A. Interrogating Medical Tourism: Ireland, Abortion, and Mobility Rights. Signs J Women Cult Soc 2010; 36: 275–80.
- Heller R, Purcell C, Mackay L, Caird L, Cameron ST. Barriers to accessing termination of pregnancy in a remote and rural setting: a qualitative study. BJOG An Int J Obstet Gynaecol 2016; 123: 1684–91.
- Loeber O, Wijsen C. Factors Influencing the Percentage of Second Trimester Abortions in the Netherlands Factors Influencing the Percentage of Second Trimester Abortions in the Netherlands. Reprod Heal Matters 2008; 16: 31–30.
- Purcell C, Cameron S, Caird L, et al. Access to and experience of later abortion: accounts from women in Scotland. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2014; 46: 101–8.
- Pinter B, Aubeny E, Bartfai G, Loeber O, Ozalp S, Webb A. Accessibility and availability of abortion in six European countries. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2005; 10: 51–8.
- Rossiter A. Ireland’s hidden diaspora: the ‘abortion trail’ and the making of a London-Irish underground 1980–2000. IASC Publishing. 2009.
- Rossiter A, Sexton M. The other Irish journey: A survey update of Northern Irish women attending British abortion clinics, 2000/2001. 2000.
Estudios sobre barreras a la interrupción del embarazo y los viajes para obtener asistencia por país
- Haut Conseil à l’Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes. Accès à l’avortement D’importants progrès réalisés, un accès réel qui peut encore être conforté. 2017
- Haut Conseil à l’Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes. Rapport relatif à l’accès à l’IVG Volet 2: Accès à l’IVG dans les territoires. 2013
- Jones RK, Henshaw SK. Mifepristone for Early Medical Abortion: Experiences in France, Great Britain and Sweden. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2002; 34: 154–61.
- Moreau C, Bajos N, Bouyer J, Group C. Access to health care for induced abortions Analysis by means of a French national survey. Eur J Public Health 2004; 14: 369–74.
- Pinter B, Aubeny E, Bartfai G, Loeber O, Ozalp S, Webb A. Accessibility and availability of abortion in six European countries. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2005; 10: 51–8.
- Aiken ARA, Gomperts R, Trussell J. Experiences and characteristics of women seeking and completing at-home medical termination of pregnancy through online telemedicine in Ireland and Northern Ireland: a population-based analysis. BJOG An Int J Obstet Gynaecol 2017; 124: 1208–15.
- Berer M. Termination of pregnancy as emergency obstetric care: the interpretation of Catholic health policy and the consequences for pregnant women:an analysis of the death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland and similar cases. Reprod Health Matters 2013; 21: 9–17.
- Best A. Abortion Rights along the Irish-English Border and the Liminality of Women’s Experiences. Dialect Anthropol 2005; 29: 423–37.
- Bloomer F, O’Dowd K. Restricted access to abortion in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland: exploring abortion tourism and barriers to legal reform. Health Sex. 2014; 16: 366–80.
- Gilmartin M, White A. Interrogating Medical Tourism: Ireland, Abortion, and Mobility Rights. Signs J Women Cult Soc 2010; 36: 275–80.
- Mishtal J. Quiet Contestations of Irish Abortion Law: Abortion Politics in Flux? In: Transcending Borders: Abortion in the Past and Present, Pelgrave Macmillan 2017.
- Rossiter A. Ireland’s hidden diaspora: the ‘abortion trail’ and the making of a London-Irish underground 1980–2000. IASC Publishing. 2009.
- Rossiter A, Sexton M. The other Irish journey: A survey update of Northern Irish women attending British abortion clinics, 2000/2001. 2000.
- Smyth, L. ‘And Nobody Was Any the Wiser’: Irish Abortion Rights and the European Union. In: Sexual Politics and the European Union, Berghahn Books 1996: 109-130.
- Chełstowska A. Stigmatisation and commercialisation of abortion services in Poland: turning sin into gold. Reprod Health Matters 2011; 19: 98–106.
- Czerwinski A. Sex, Politics, and Religion: The Clash between Poland and the European Union over Abortion. Denver J Int Law Policy 2003; 32.
- Federation for Women and Famly Planning. Reproductive Health Services in Poland: Country Report.
- Girard, F, and W. Nowicka. Clear and Compelling Evidence: The Polish Tribunal on Abortion Rights. Reproductive Health Matters 2002; 10(19): 22–30.
- Mishtal, J. The Politics of Morality: The Church, the State and Reproductive Rights in Postsocialist Poland. Ohio University Press 2015.
- Center for Reproductive Rights. Tysiac v. Poland (European Court of Human Rights). Cent Reprod Rights 2008.
- Bo M, Zotti CM, Charrier L. Conscientious objection and waiting time for voluntary abortion in Italy. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2015; 20: 272–82.
- Chavkin W, Swerdlow L, Fifield J. Regulation of conscientious objection to abortion: An international comparative multiple-case study. Health Hum Rights 2017; 19: 55–68.
- De Zordo S. From women’s ‘irresponsibility’ to foetal ‘patienthood’: Obstetricians-gynaecologists’ perspectives on abortion and its stigmatisation in Italy and Cataluña. Glob Public Heal An Int J Res Policy Pract 2017; March:1–13.
- De Zordo S. Interruption volontaire de grossesse et clause de conscience en Italie et en Espagne, entre droits des femmes et « droits » du fœtus/patient. Sociol Santé; 38: 107–29.
- De Zordo S. ‘Good doctors do not object’: Obstetricians-Gynaecolosists’ Perspectives on Conscientious Objection to Abortion Care and their Engagement with Pro-abortion Rights Protests in Italy. In: A Fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, 2016
- Morrell KM, Chavkin W. Conscientious objection to abortion and reproductive healthcare: a review of recent literature and implications for adolescents. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2015; 27: 333–8.
Países Bajos
- Loeber O, Wijsen C. Factors Influencing the Percentage of Second Trimester Abortions in the Netherlands Factors Influencing the Percentage of Second Trimester Abortions in the Netherlands. Reprod Heal Matters 2008; 16: 31–30.
- Pinter B, Aubeny E, Bartfai G, Loeber O, Ozalp S, Webb A. Accessibility and availability of abortion in six European countries. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2005; 10: 51–8.
- Welsh P, McCarthy M, Cromer B. Abortion in Adolescence: A Four-Country Comparison. Women’s Health Issues 2001; 11: 73–9.
- De Zordo S. From women’s ‘irresponsibility’ to foetal ‘patienthood’: Obstetricians-gynaecologists’ perspectives on abortion and its stigmatisation in Italy and Cataluña. Glob Public Heal An Int J Res Policy Pract 2017: 1–13.
Reino Unido
- Baron C, Cameron S, Johnstone A. Do women seeking termination of pregnancy need pre-abortion counselling? Fam Plann Reprod Heal Care 2015; 45: 181–5.
- Best A. Abortion Rights along the Irish-English Border and the Liminality of Women’s Experiences. Dialect Anthropol 2005; 29: 423–37.
- Caird L, Cameron ST, Hough T, Mackay L, Glasier A. Initiatives to close the gap in inequalities in abortion provision in a remote and rural UK setting. J Fam Plan Reprod Heal Care 2015; 42: 68 LP-70.
- Chavkin W, Swerdlow L, Fifield J. Regulation of conscientious objection to abortion: An international comparative multiple-case study. Health Hum Rights 2017; 19: 55–68.
- Cochrane RA, Cameron ST. Attitudes of Scottish abortion care providers towards provision of abortion after 16 weeks’ gestation within Scotland. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2013; 18: 215–20.
- Francome C. Irish Women Who Seek Abortions in England. Fam Plann Perspect 1992; 24: 265–8.
- Gerdts C, DeZordo S, Mishtal J, Barr-Walker J, Lohr, Lohr PA. Experiences of women who travel to England for abortions: an exploratory pilot study. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2016; 21: 401–7.
- Heller R, Purcell C, Mackay L, Caird L, Cameron ST. Barriers to accessing termination of pregnancy in a remote and rural setting: a qualitative study. BJOG An Int J Obstet Gynaecol 2016; 123: 1684–91.
- Jones RK, Henshaw SK. Mifepristone for Early Medical Abortion: Experiences in France, Great Britain and Sweden. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2002; 34: 154–61.
- Lee E, Ingham R. Why do women present late for induced abortion? Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2010; 24: 479–89.
- Marie Stopes International. General practitioners: attitudes to abortion 2007. 2007., GPs attitudes to abortion 2007 Marie Stopes.pdf
- Roe J, Francome C, Bush M. Recruitment and training of British obstetrician-gynaecologists for abortion provision: conscientious objection versus opting out. Reprod Health Matters 1999; 7: 97–105.
- Purcell C, Cameron S, Caird L, et al. Access to and experience of later abortion: accounts from women in Scotland. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2014; 46: 101–8.
- Purcell C, Hilton S, Mcdaid L. The stigmatisation of abortion: a qualitative analysis of print media in Great Britain in 2010. Cult Health Sex 2014; 16.
- Strickland SL. Conscientious objection in medical students: a questionnaire survey. J Med Ethics 2011; 38: 22–5.
Datos y estadísticas sobre la interrupción del embarazo de países de interés
- DREES (Direction de la recherche, des études de l’évaluation et des statistiques). 211 900 interruptions volontaires de grossesse en 2016. 2017
- The Federal Health Monitoring System. Abortions. Fed. Stat. Off.
- Ministry of Health. Induced abortions – Migration. stats. 2015.
- Italia, Ministero della Salute (2016) Relazione sull’attuazione della Legge contenente norme per la tutela della tutela sociale della maternità e per l’interruzione volontaria della gravidanza. Dati definitivi 2014-2015. Roma: Ministero della Salute.
- Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Interruzione volontaria di gravidanza: la relazione al Parlamento 2014
Reino Unido
- IGZ, “Jaarrapportage 2012 van de wet afbreking zwangerschap,” IGZ (Netherlands).
- Annual Report 2015 of the Maternity Pregnancy Act. 2017 (accessed July 30, 2017).
- Ministerio de Sanidad SS e I. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad – Profesionales – Interrupción voluntaria del embarazo – Datos Estadísticos – Tablas y Figuras. Minist. Sanidad, Serv. Soc. e Igual.
- Gobierno de España, 2016. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo: Datos definitivos correspondientes al año 2015.
Reino Unido
- Department of Health. 2016. Abortion statistics, England and Wales: 2015. London: Abortion Statistics, DH.
- UK, Department of Health. 2017. Abortion statistics England and Wales: 2016. London: Abortion Statistics, DH.
Legislación sobre interrupción del embarazo y documentos legales
Estudios sobre legislación de la interrupción del embarazo
- Czerwinski A. Sex, Politics, and Religion: The Clash between Poland and the European Union over Abortion. Denver J Int Law Policy 2003; 32.
- Gerdts C, DePiñeres T, Hajri S, et al. Denial of abortion in legal settings. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2015; 41: 161–3
- Gissler M, Fronteira I, Jahn A, et al. Terminations of pregnancy in the European Union. BJOG An Int J Obstet Gynaecol 2012; 119: 324–32.
- Mishtal J. Quiet Contestations of Irish Abortion Law: Abortion Politics in Flux? In: Transcending Borders: Abortion in the Past and Present, Pelgrave Macmillan 2017.
- Mishtal, J. The Politics of Morality: The Church, the State and Reproductive Rights in Postsocialist Poland. Ohio University Press 2015.
- Pinter B. Medico-legal aspects of abortion in Europe. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2002; 7: 15–9.
Legislación a nivel europeo y documentos legales
- European Committee of Social Rights. Decision on the merits: International Planned Parenthood Federation – European Network (IPPF v. Italy). Brussels, Belgium, 2014.
- IPPF European Network. Abortion legislation in Europe. Brussels, Belgium: International Planned Parenthood Federation, 2012
Legislación a nivel estatal y documentos legales
- Alemania
- Strafgesetzbuch (StGB), § 218 Schwangerschaftsabbruch und § 219 Beratung der Schwangeren in einer Not- und Konfliktlage available here:
- Gesetz zur Vermeidung und Bewältigung von Schwangerschaftskonflikten (Schwangerschaftskonfliktgesetz – SchKG) available here:
- Bélgica
- La loi du 15 octobre 2018 encadre l’interruption volontaire de grossesse.
- España
- Ley Orgánica 2/2010, de 3 de marzo, de salud sexual y reproductiva y de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. 2010
- Ley Orgánica 11/2015, de 21 de septiembre, para reforzar la protección de las menores y mujeres con capacidad modificada judicialmente en la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. 2015
- Francia
- Loi n° 75-17 du 17 janvier 1975 relative à l’interruption volontaire de la grossesse. 2013 - Article L. 2212-1 du Code de la Santé Publique. 2016. - Loi 2016-41 du 26 janvier 2016 de modernisation de notre système de santé. 2016.
- Loi n° 75-17 du 17 janvier 1975 relative à l’interruption volontaire de la grossesse. 2013
- Irlanda
- Sheldon S. ‘How can a state control swallowing?’: Medical abortion and the law. 2016. Abortion and the Law_web.pdf - The Citizen’s Assembly. First Report and Recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly: The Eighth Amendment of the Constitution. 2017. - Center for Reproductive Rights. A, B and C v. Ireland. Cent Reprod Rights 2012.
- Sheldon S. ‘How can a state control swallowing?’: Medical abortion and the law. 2016.
- Italia
- Legge 194/78 “Norme per la tutela sociale della maternità e per l’interruzione volontaria di gravidanza”. 1978. - Ministero della Salute. Linee di Indirizzo sulla Interruzione Volontaria di Gravidanza con mifepristone e prostaglandine. 2010
- Legge 194/78 “Norme per la tutela sociale della maternità e per l’interruzione volontaria di gravidanza”. 1978.
- Países Bajos
- Wet afbreking zwangerschap., 1981
- Wet afbreking zwangerschap., 1981
- Polonia
- Ustawa z dnia 7 stycznia 1993 r. o planowaniu rodziny, ochronie płodu ludzkiego i warunkach dopuszczalności przerywania ciąży.
- Ustawa z dnia 7 stycznia 1993 r. o planowaniu rodziny, ochronie płodu ludzkiego i warunkach dopuszczalności przerywania ciąży.
- Reino Unido
- Abortion Act of 1967. 1967.
- Abortion Act of 1967. 1967.
Nuestros hallazgos
- De Zordo S, Mishtal J, Zanini G, Gerdts C. 2020. Consequences of gestational age limits for people needing abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 28(1): 1818377.
- De Zordo S, Zanini G, Mishtal J, Garnsey C, Ziegler A. K, Gerdts C. 2020. Gestational age limits for abortion and cross-border reproductive care in Europe: a mixed-methods study. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 128(5): 838-845.
- Garnsey C., Zanini G., De Zordo S., Mishtal J., Wollum A., Gerdts C. 2021. “Cross-country abortion travel to England and Wales: results from a cross-sectional survey exploring people’s experiences crossing borders to obtain care”. Reproductive Health 18: 103.
- Mishtal J, De Zordo S, Capelli I, Martino A, Rahm L, Zanini G. 2020. Political (in)action in abortion governance during COVID-19 in Europe: a call for a harmonized EU response during public health crises. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
- Mishtal J, Zanini G, De Zordo S, Clougher D, Gerdts C. 2022. To be vigilant to leave no trace’: secrecy, invisibility and abortion travel from the Republic of Ireland. Culture, Health & Sexuality.
- Rahm L, De Zordo S, Mishtal J, Garnsey C, Gerdts C. 2022. Inter-departmental abortion travels in metropolitan France: A mixed-methods analysis of women’s experiences, access, and barriers to abortion care. PLOS ONE 17(10): e0273190.
- Zanini G, Mishtal J, De Zordo S, Ziegler AK, Gerdts C. 2021. Abortion information governance and women’s travels across European borders. Women’s Studies International Forum, 87: 102496.
- Rahm L, De Zordo S, Mishtal J, et al. 2023. French women’s experiences and opinions with in-country versus cross-border abortion travel: a mixed-methods paper. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, Published Online: 24 January 2023.
- De Zordo S, Mishtal J, Zanini G, Gerdts C. 2023. ‘The first difficulty is time’: The impact of gestational age limits on reproductive health and justice in the context of cross-border travel for abortion care in Europe. Social Science & Medicine 321,
- Wollum A, De Zordo S, Zanini G, Mishtal J, Garnsey C, Gerdts C. 2024. “Barriers and delays in access to abortion care: a cross-sectional study of people traveling to obtain care in England and the Netherlands from European countries where abortion is legal on broad grounds”. Reproductive Health 21, 7.
- Rahm L, De Zordo S, Mishtal J. 2024. “Barrieren für den legalen Schwangerschaftsabbruch Perspektiven deutscher Frauen und GesundheitsexpertInnen zu grenzüberschreitenden Abtreibungsreisen.” In Lohner, E.M., Böhm, M., Bomert, C., Krolzik-Matthei, K. and Riese, D. Beratung beiungewollter Schwangerschaft: Beiträge aus Forschung und Praxis, Angewandte Sexualwissenschaft 43. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, pp. 321–45. English version available at :
Estudios sobre el aborto farmacológico autogestionado
- Aiken A, Starling J, Gomperts R. 2021. Factors Associated With Use of an Online Telemedicine Service to Access Self-managed Medical Abortion in the US. JAMA Netw Open, 4(5): e2111852.
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- Jayaweera R, Powell B, Gerdts C, Kakesa J, Ouedraogo R, Ramazani U, Wado YD, Wheeler E, Fetters T. 2021. The Potential of Self-Managed Abortion to Expand Abortion Access in Humanitarian Contexts. Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, 2: 681039.
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