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Virtual panel “Barriers to access to termination of pregnancy and self-managed abortion”, October 28th

7th October 2022

On October 28th from 3p.m to 6:30p.m. Drs. Silvia de Zordo, Joanna Mishtal and Giulia Zanini, respectively principal investigator, senior researcher and post-doctoral researcher on the BAR2LEGAB research project will present the study’s results on cross-border travel for abortion care in Europe at a panel entitled “Barriers to access to pregnancy termination and self-managed abortion: health, reproductive rights and demedicalization in question”, within the framework of the 1st AFIN International virtual Congress on Women’s Reproductive Health “Women: between (in)visible Ill-being and (im)possible Well-being”.

The panel, held in English and Spanish (with simultaneous translation and subtitling), will begin with the key-note speech “Global Reproductive Governance Post-Dobbs” by Professor Lynn Morgan”.

More information on the panel.


Share your Story

We are aware of the great difficulties that women who want to interrupt their pregnancy in Europe have to face. That’s why we invite you to share your experience with the project team. With your help, we will be able to improve the study and create a community useful information for all.

    Send us your story

    The researchers will review your story and published it (if you have agreed to it) one week after your submission. If you wish to cancel your submission, change your mind about participating, or simply ticked the wrong box when submitting your story, please write to the research team using the email address to the left.

    Europe Abortion Access Project Euroe Research Council Universitad de Barcelona

    This project has received funding from the European Reseach Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme BAR2LEGAB-680004